Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Twitter and the media

Relaxing (does clutching at one's midriff in fear of seeing one's last meal magically reappear count as relaxing?) yesterday evening I was treated to an advertisement break between segments of Ladette to Lady.

Gillian Harbord

Ten pints of White Lightening later she was seen fast asleep in a rhodedendron bush

One of these ads was for Fanta soft drink and I happened to notice in the animation were one or two little cartoon birds.

That got me thinking, on how BBC Three's idents often feature birds and foliage wrapped around, and landing on, the neon tubes.

Now hold up there: a lot of Twitter's images feature cartoon birds and vine-y, twisting foliage.

"Hi Tweeple!"

Also Twitter's a raging success, in terms of a whole heap of people tweeting about similar subjects resulting in the internet blowing up (I think) when a certain Mr Jackson carked it recently, and news agencies trying to get around the constraints put on them by Iranian authorities.

Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei, yesterday

I don’t have a major point here but want to comment in a roundabout way how design teams for various organisations tap into the zeitgeist by ever so subtly plagiarising aspects of a more successful or popular product / website / whatever and hope some of its kudos will rub off on them.

Sub-post: Fulsome Fanta

When I was looking up images for the above entry, Google kindly gave me this glimpse into the abyss of history.

"‘Fanta’ was originally made from apple fibre and a by-product of cheese"

Fizzy milk? Don’t think I'll be enjoying a refreshing glass of that anytime soon. *retch*

1 comment:

  1. I remember a soft drink in 1999-ish that was made from milk, but clear and slightly fruit flavoured. A google search isn't helping me remember what it was called though! Also, was icky so it wouldn't change your mind re: fizzy milk.
